‘Mentoring is great, and it’s something I would have liked growing up so I can definitely see how it can benefit a young child,’ – Robert Fenton, intandem mentor.
Our intandem mentoring programme is designed for young people aged between 8-14 years old who are looked after at home by their local authority.
Mentors spend 2-3 hours each week with their mentee enjoying activities and outings, supporting them to improve their confidence, self-esteem and to be positively involved in their local communities as well as helping them find the skills to identify and build positive relationships around them and attain the goals they set together.
Over time a mentor and a young person build a trusting and supportive friendship which can have a transformational effect on the young person, their outlook on life and their future.
Volunteer mentors should be:
Mentors receive full training, PVG checks and consistent support from our intandem Coordinator, as their mentoring relationship progresses.